Youth Weaving class

18 07 2008

I finally finished the weaving class with the kids.  It was wonderful, and I start another one next week.  These are half day classes, so some of the kids want a week of full day classes.  It’s a possibility.  If things fall through in Conn. in Aug. we can do it!

Anyhew, here are some pics, and then a link to where you can see the rest, as well as my many, many photos of Touchstone Center for Craft, where I taught last week.  None of the pics are of my own class, as I was constantly on the move, shooting other people. But you might like to know how nice this residential art center is. I had 8 students and the age spread was 10 years, which is larger than the ideal age spread of about 3 years, but what can you do?

Here is one of the girls who took for the first time, but was a very prolific weaver.  Her rug wound up bigger than she is!

What an accomplishment - Congrats

What an accomplishment - Congrats

Here is the oldest weaver, and her wonderful project:

What a bunch of work for a week of half days!

What a bunch of work for a week of half days!

Here is my youngest little weaver:

Dressing the loom was a BIG task for this little weaver!  Remember to click the pics to see them larger

Dressing the loom was a BIG task for this little weaver! Remember to click the pics to see them larger



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